
Weakness: Record, Columbus Show

Weakness is Kevin Bruce's new band. Kevin Bruce is Jane Bruce's brother. I once booked his old band, K BRUTAL, at the Monster House because he edited a skateboarding zine entitled DeadRamones and was Jane Bruce's brother.

Weakness is reminiscent of Hickey, yet cuts the figure of a band that doesn't know who or what Hickey is. That is the ideal route to 'sounding like Hickey.' I also hear hints of early Meneguar

Some of Weakness lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, and some of Weakness lives where the economy runs on ten-hour work weeks, sno cones and zine consignments; namely, Bloomington, Indiana.

Now, anyone who talks to me knows I don't listen to music anymore, besides, perhaps, the Das Racist song with the Katy Perry song inside of it. Or Boy Crisis. (I would listen to Deathly Fighter but Christian won't give me a record (and I would listen to Unholy Two, too, but I don't want to be investigated by the Southern Poverty Law Center (and, anyway, I think the Columbus Alive likes those bands and I don't listen to Christian music.))) But I heard the Weakness record and some charred remnant of appreciation for things that 'sound like Hickey' was rekindled, albeit briefly. Make no mistake, this is high praise.

Download the Weakness record here

Weakness plays at Bat Chapters, the boho base on Gay St. that isn't Skylab, in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on February 18th, 2011. Also playing: Shut Up, RCI and Slugging Percentage. I believe it is all ages and donation-based.

(Weakness will also accompany The Pains of Being Pure at Heart on a mini-tour in April, news of which I only include so I can mention that TPOBPAH once stayed at the Monster House and everyone told me funny stories about it. I thought that ending with a mention of the Monster House, which is how I began, would give my blog entry a firm, symmetrical structure.)

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