

I feel obligated to say I didn't make it. The left portion is a detail of my"piece" called Working With the Police. It is a schema of one room of Howard & Babette Sirak's house in Bexley which used to contain "The Sirak Collection." That conspicious consumption is now the cornerstone of the Columbus Museum of Art's European Modernism collection and the Siraks are remembered "great patrons of the arts." Rick Ross, of course, is the dude on the GET RIGHT MIXTAPE who says "working with the police" ad infinitum as some sort of don't-snitch-you're-lame-cause-you-talk-to-cops-thing. Well, anyway, dude was a corrections officer. That is exactly how I feel making artwork and trying to work in arts organizations. Shit is totally sold out and dependent on everything I hate. My recent internship doing data entry of the donor class for the development department at CMA didn't help matters. I helped pave the way for a Huntington ATM to go inside the museum: Awesome! But "Working with the police" is also a good way to think about changing/challenging meaning with existent imagery. And most of my show will be pictures of authority figures getting worked.

Also, I had them change my named from "Jimi" to "James" on the card. I'm not sure if it's worse to have a misspelled eleven year-old boy's name or to be pretentious and self-involved enough to have someone go back and change something like that.

Je suis Marxiste
Soaked in lithium mineral hot springs, pennyroyal tea, doused in mud, sopped in bleach, cherry antacid and laxatives.
Soviet punks looking just as bored.

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