
Fucking Life

In June of 2008 I curated a show entitled Fucking Life for the Sporeprint Infoshop. Artists included Andy Hinton, David Leighty, John Malta, Andy Plank, Carlos Ruiz, Ben Scarbro, Stacie Sells, Nichole Senter and, in a fell swoop of narcissism, myself. Lisa Dorazewski, Sara Drake and Randy Hunter were supposed to participate and did not. Cars Can Be Blue, from Athens, Georgia, played music.

Wes Flexner blurbed about the show, which was also a release party for Punk Zine, on Donewaiting.

I remember constructing a fake wall with Ben for the show and it being laborious but "worthwhile" - a good learning experience. I was surprised by how nice everything looked together, which these photos hint at. I didn't document the event properly and apparently the only person that did was Kari Jorgensen. She just sent me these photos. The rest of them are after "The Jump" as is the flyer.

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